Take Up Your Cross Lyrics Sung by Charles W. Everest and Take Up Your Cross is Old Catholic Jesus Song and Take Up Your Cross Song Lyrics are Written by Charles W. Everest and Music is Given by Charles W. Everest Song Lyrics, Old Catholic Song
Take Up Your Cross Lyrics Song Credits :
Lyrics, Tune & Sung | Charles W. Everest |
Music Arranged & Produced | Charles W. Everest |
Vocals Recorded & Processed | Charles W. Everest |
Take Up Your Cross Lyrics Hymn
Take up your cross, the Saviour said,
if you would my disciple be;
Deny yourself, the world forsake,
and humbly follow after me.
Take up your cross; be not ashamed!
Let not disgrace your spirit fill;
For God himself endured to die
upon a cross on Calvary’s hill.
Take up your cross, which gives you strength,
which makes your trembling spirit brave:
‘Twill guide you to a better home
and lead to vict’ry o’er the grave.
Take up your cross, and follow Christ,
nor think till death to lay it down;
For only they who bear the cross
may hope to wear the glorious crown.
Take Up Your Cross Hymn Video