Catholic Hymns (A-Z)
Christmas Hymns

Take And Eat

Take And Eat Lyrics Sung by Unkown and Take And Eat is Old Catholic Jesus Song  and Take And Eat Song Lyrics are Written by Unkown and Music is Given by Unkown Song Lyrics, Old Catholic Song

Take And Eat Lyrics Song Credits :

Lyrics, Tune & Sung Unkown
Music Arranged & Produced Unkown


Take And Eat Lyrics Hymn

Take And Eat; Take And Eat:
This Is My Body Given Up For You.
Take And Drink; Take And Drink:
This Is My Blood Given Up For You.

I Am The Word That Spoke And Light Was Made;
I Am The Seed That Died To Be Reborn;
I Am The Bread That Comes From Heav’n Above;
I Am The Vine That Fills Your Cup With Joy.


Take And Eat; Take And Eat:
This Is My Body Given Up For You.
Take And Drink; Take And Drink:
This Is My Blood Given Up For You.

I Am The Way That Leads The Exile Home;
I Am The Truth That Sets The Captive Free;
I Am The Life That Raises Up The Dead;
I Am Your Peace, True Peace My Gift To You.


Take And Eat; Take And Eat:
This Is My Body Given Up For You.
Take And Drink; Take And Drink:
This Is My Blood Given Up For You.

I Am The Lamb That Takes Away Your Sin;
I Am The Gate That Guards You Night And Day;
You Are My Flock: You Know The Shepherd’s Voice;
You Are My Own: Your Ransom Is My Blood.


Take And Eat; Take And Eat:
This Is My Body Given Up For You.
Take And Drink; Take And Drink:
This Is My Blood Given Up For You.

I Am The Cornerstone That God Has Laid;
A Chosen Stone And Precious In His Eyes;
You Are God’s Dwelling Place, On Me You Rest;
Like Living Stones, A Temple For God’s Praise.


Take And Eat; Take And Eat:
This Is My Body Given Up For You.
Take And Drink; Take And Drink:
This Is My Blood Given Up For You.

I Am The Light That Came Into The World;
I Am The Light That Darkness Cannot Hide;
I Am The Morning Star That Never Sets;
Lift Up Your Face, In You My Light Will Shine.


Take And Eat; Take And Eat:
This Is My Body Given Up For You.
Take And Drink; Take And Drink:
This Is My Blood Given Up For You.

I Am The First And Last, The Living One;
I Am The Lord Who Died That You Might Live;
I Am The Bridegroom, This My Wedding Song;
You Are My Bride, Come To The Marriage Feast.

Take And Eat Lyrics Hymn in Spanish

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