Catholic Hymns (A-Z)
Christmas Hymns

O Sacred Head Surrounded Lyrics | O Sacred Head Surrounded Hymn

O Sacred Head Surrounded Hymns Lyrics

O Sacred Head Surrounded Lyrics:
O Sacred Head, Surrounded
By Crown Of Piercing Thorn!
O Bleeding Head, So Wounded,
Reviled And Put To Scorn!
The Pow’r Of Death Comes O’er You,
The Glow Of Life Decays,
Yet Angel Hosts Adore You,
And Tremble As They Gaze.

O Jesus, We Adore Thee,
Upon The Cross Our King!
We Humbly Bow Before Thee,
And Of Thy Vict’ry Sing!
Thy Cross Is Our Salvation,
Our Hope From Day To Day,
Our Peace And Consolation
When Life Shall Fade Away.

O Sacred Head Surrounded
By Crown Of Piercing Thorn!
O Bleeding Head, So Wounded,
Reviled And Put To Scorn!
The Pow’r Of Death Comes O’er You,
The Glow Of Life Decays,
Yet Angel Hosts Adore You,
And Tremble As They Gaze.

In This, Your Bitter Passion,
Good Shepherd, Think Of Me
With Your Most Sweet Compassion,
Unworthy Though I Be:
Beneath Your Cross Abiding
For Ever Would I Rest,
In Your Dear Love Confiding,
And With Your Presence Blest.

Christ Jesus, We Adore You,
Our Thorn-crowned Lord And King.
We Bow Our Heads Before You,
And To Your Cross We Cling.
Lord, Give Us Strength To Bear It
With Patience And With Love,
That We May Truly Merit
A Glorious Crown Above.