Now In This Banquet

Now In This Banquet Lyrics Hymn

Now In This Banquet Lyrics
Now In This Banquet, Christ Is Our Bread;
Here Shall All Hungers Be Fed.
Bread That Is Broken, Wine That Is Poured,
Love Is The Sign Of Our Lord.

Advent Refrain:
God Of Our Journeys, Daybreak To Night;
Lead Us To Justice And Light.
Grant Us Compassion, Strength For The Day,
Wisdom To Walk In Your Way.

Lent Refrain:
Lord, You Can Open Hearts That Are Stone;
Live In Our Flesh And Our Bone;
Lead Us To Wonder, Myst’ry And Grace,
One In Your Loving Embrace.

Now In This Banquet, Christ Is Our Bread;
Here Shall All Hungers Be Fed.
Bread That Is Broken, Wine That Is Poured,
Love Is The Sign Of Our Lord.

You Who Have Touched Us And Graced Us With Love,
Make Us Your People Of Goodness And Light.

Now In This Banquet, Christ Is Our Bread;
Here Shall All Hungers Be Fed.
Bread That Is Broken, Wine That Is Poured,
Love Is The Sign Of Our Lord.

Let Our Hearts Burn With The Fire Of Your Love;
Open Our Eyes To The Glory Of God.

Now In This Banquet, Christ Is Our Bread;
Here Shall All Hungers Be Fed.
Bread That Is Broken, Wine That Is Poured,
Love Is The Sign Of Our Lord.

God Who Makes The Blind To See,
God Who Makes The Lame To Walk,
Bring Us Dancing Into Day,
Lead Your People In Your Way.

Now In This Banquet, Christ Is Our Bread;
Here Shall All Hungers Be Fed.
Bread That Is Broken, Wine That Is Poured,
Love Is The Sign Of Our Lord.

Hope For The Hopeless, Light For The Blind,
“Strong” Is Your Name, Lord, “Gentle” And “Kind.”

Now In This Banquet, Christ Is Our Bread;
Here Shall All Hungers Be Fed.
Bread That Is Broken, Wine That Is Poured,
Love Is The Sign Of Our Lord.

Call Us To Be Your Light,
Call Us To Be Your Love,
Make Us Your People Again.

Now In This Banquet, Christ Is Our Bread;
Here Shall All Hungers Be Fed.
Bread That Is Broken, Wine That Is Poured,
Love Is The Sign Of Our Lord.

Come, O Spirit! Renew Our Hearts!
We Shall Arise To Be Children Of Light.

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