Highly Favoured One

Highly Favoured One Lyrics Hymn

Highly Favoured One Lyrics
Mary, Highly Favoured One,
Sister In Faith,
Mother Of All Who Believe.

Mary, Highly Favoured One,
Pilgrim In Life,
Message Of Hope On The Way.

Vision Of Faith, Pray With Us Now.
Seeker Of Truth Lead Us To God.
Bearer Of Christ,
Teach Us To Be Open And Free.

Mary, Image Of Faithfulness,
Woman Of Strength,
Woman Of Song, Blessed One.

Mary, Prayerful Listening One,
Disciple Of Christ,
Keeping God’s Word, Holy One.

Vision Of Faith, Pray With Us Now.
Seeker Of Truth Lead Us To God.
Bearer Of Christ,
Teach Us To Be Open And Free.

Mary, Bearer Of Good News,
Proclaimer Of Peace, Justice And Love,
Voice Of The Poor.

Vision Of Faith, Pray With Us Now.
Seeker Of Truth Lead Us To God.
Bearer Of Christ,
Teach Us To Be Open And Free.

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