Catholic Hymns (A-Z)
Christmas Hymns

Mary The Dawn

Mary The Dawn Lyrics Sung by Unkown and Mary The Dawn is Old Catholic Jesus Song  and Mary The Dawn Song Lyrics are Written by Unkown and Music is Given by Unkown Song Lyrics, Old Catholic Song

Mary The Dawn Lyrics Song Credits :

Lyrics, Tune & Sung Unkown
Music Arranged & Produced Unkown


Mary The Dawn Lyrics Hymn

Mary The Dawn, Christ The Perfect Day;
Mary The Gate, Christ The Heavenly Way!

Mary The Root, Christ The Mystic Vine;
Mary The Grape, Christ The Sacred Wine!

Mary The Wheat-sheaf, Christ The Living Bread;
Mary The Rose-tree, Christ The Rose Blood-red!

Mary The Font, Christ The Cleansing Flood;
Mary The Chalice, Christ The Saving Blood!


Mary The Temple; Christ The Temple’s Lord;
Mary The Shrine, Christ The God Adored!

Mary The Beacon, Christ The Haven’s Rest;
Mary The Mirror, Christ The Vision Blest!

Mary The Mother, Christ The Mother’s Son.
Both Ever Blest While Endless Ages Run.

Mary The Dawn Lyrics Hymn in Spanish

Mary The Dawn Hymn Video

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